Shadow of Turning

Clarion Rating: 5 out of 5

The line between good and evil blurs in this fascinating story of revenge and wilderness survival.

In Shadow of Turning by Clayton Carpenter, evil is shown at its most extreme, while goodness remains just this side of evil. The blurring of these lines and a fascinating plot make this book difficult to put down.

Absolutely nothing is going right for Ben Kelly. He’s on the verge of becoming homeless, a tow truck is circling the block for his vehicle, and the only way that he can exact revenge on those who have wronged him is to take advantage of his circumstances and disappear completely. Fortunately, he runs into someone who can help him with the wilderness survival part of his plan. For the revenge part, he’s on his own.

This book is more than the standard mystery revenge story. Carpenter has very effectively written an outdoor survival book along with his mystery. When Ben leaves the city and heads to the forest, he has very little knowledge about camping. But then he meets Jackson, a man who knows exactly how to live a very hidden life. Some of the best passages in the book involved Ben learning how to rough it. Jackson “started turning the prongs of the vee a few inches above the coals. ‘I’m fire-hardening the end of this spear. You can see water coming off the tips. We only want to brown the tips a little. It’s not necessary to char the wood.’”

Another strength is the characterization of Ben. Ben’s life has been turned upside down. He made it through a very tough childhood to become someone who works with young people and helps them survive their lives. Then the unthinkable happens: he loses his job, and he’s blackballed from any job he may try to get. As this situation increases his anger and need for vengeance, he digs deep and comes up with a plan to survive. Ultimately, Ben’s character is a survivor in many different ways. He survives everything from wilderness threats to otherworldly experiences, and his character grows from each experience.

The cover design makes this book even more intriguing than the description on the back cover. The cover gives the correct impression that this is a book with an outdoor setting. With its story of mystery and revenge, thriller readers will also appreciate the tale being told.

Reviewed by Lynn Evarts

Disclosure: This article is not an endorsement, but a review. The publisher of this book provided free copies of the book and paid a small fee to have their book reviewed by a professional reviewer. Foreword Reviews and Clarion Reviews make no guarantee that the publisher will receive a positive review. Foreword Magazine, Inc. is disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

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