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Read the latest starred book reviews hand-picked by Foreword's editors.

Book Review

54 Miles

by Gabriella Harrison

Family wounds are reopened in Leonard Pitts Jr.’s gripping historical novel "54 Miles", a coming-of-age story set during the civil rights movement. Adam was raised in New York by his attentive white father and somewhat distant Black... Read More

Book Review

Goodnight Tokyo

by Isabella Zhou

Atsuhiro Yoshida’s novel "Goodnight Tokyo" delves into the nighttime activities of a disparate group of Tokyoites. For her latest assignment as a prop procurer for film sets, Mitsuki must secure loquats off-season. Enlisting Matsui’s... Read More

Book Review

The Caricaturist

by Meg Nola

Set in 1897, Norman Lock’s riveting historical novel "The Caricaturist" focuses on Oliver, a Philadelphia native and a student at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Uninspired by the academy’s faculty of “myopic old men,”... Read More

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