Stop Drifting

Become the Switch Master of Your Own Thought and Pivot to Positive

Clarion Rating: 3 out of 5

Stop Drifting is an engaging self-help guide that suggests steps for developing positive personal and business mindsets.

David R. Ibarra’s concise business guide Stop Drifting forwards practical advice for transforming lackluster businesses.

The book is directed by the story of an undermotivated dealership owner, Tom, who struggles when it comes to leading his team. He is often late, and so another employee, George, assumes leadership responsibilities, making him irritable. Then Tom meets Daniel, who heads a thriving rival dealership. Daniel offers to help Tom achieve his dream of running a marathon; he also mentors Tom on the business side.

Because of this narrative thread, which includes humorous and evocative scenes, the book is involving from its opening onward. The techniques that Daniel shares are purposeful, partitioned into a lesson per chapter, and include notions such as that nourishing the body and mind leads to better work performance; ideas about the causes and effects of negative and positive thinking; and suggestions for controlling one’s mind.

Daniel also instructs Tom on developing a business’s theme and purpose, showing what actions must be taken to achieve the desired performance, and suggests means of developing specialized talent teams, defining and knowing what you want, and taking purposeful actions. Each lesson is designed for easy recall, with complementary examples of how they are applied within the dealership’s operations and meetings.

But the narrative focus, which shows the principles at work within a small team, has the effect of making the lessons feel applicable to smaller businesses alone. For example: to effect swift change, Tom involves each employee in the process, organizing face-to-face meetings with them that would be impractical within larger settings. The complexities of changing business cultures are not addressed sufficiently.

The book’s advice is built on some significant assumptions, including that, as leaders begin to implement changes within their businesses, their teams will be able to adapt with speed. In its idealized narrative, as Tom begins to make a personal effort to change his negative outlook, he inspires his team to execute the same changes without difficulty. George, for example, transforms from an unfriendly manager to a supportive, inspiring manager within a remarkably short period of time. Nonetheless, all of the book’s chapters are linked to, and inextricable from, Tom’s own growth, his business’s expansion, and Daniel’s leadership.

Stop Drifting is an engaging self-help guide that suggests steps for developing positive personal and business mindsets.

Reviewed by Edith Wairimu

Disclosure: This article is not an endorsement, but a review. The publisher of this book provided free copies of the book and paid a small fee to have their book reviewed by a professional reviewer. Foreword Reviews and Clarion Reviews make no guarantee that the publisher will receive a positive review. Foreword Magazine, Inc. is disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

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