Sugar Baby

We're all adults here. Let's have some fun

Clarion Rating: 4 out of 5

“I touched myself while I read your story,” Marissa admits to Kyle. Playful readers might find themselves in the same situation with Sugar Baby, by Aaron Powell.

Kyle, a sexy marine, is very much in love with his wife, Brittney. Now that their son is finally away at college, they can act like honeymooners again. As happy as they are with each other, however, they’re realizing that they’re “just looking to explore and have some fun.” After researching websites about Sugar Babies—girls who will, for a price, engage in sexual activity of the couple’s choosing—Kyle and Brittney finally take the plunge with Marissa, an adventurous college student. Marissa is just trying to pay for tuition, so she’s relieved that they aren’t “some eccentric couple who just wanted to take me home and torture me.”

At first, the new arrangement proceeds without any hitches. Marissa offers the sort of excitement Kyle and Brittney feel they’re missing: tongue rings, deep throat maneuvers, and cheerleader fantasies. But the situation turns awkward when Kyle finds himself wishing they didn’t have to pay Marissa; it just “feels dirty.” As he begins to feel oddly comfortable with her, he wonders if he’s crossing boundaries. Worse, the “seed of guilt is planted” when he realizes that he’s developing feelings for her.

A faithful husband with a keen sense of honor, he doesn’t want to hurt his wife. But Marissa is so talented and tempting, he can’t seem to stay away. “Some things are better kept a secret,” he decides. And is it really cheating if all three participants are falling in love with each other?

Reading like an extended Penthouse letter, Sugar Baby is told in quick, sizzling scenes that can be savored chapter by chapter or in one delightful sitting. Powell engages the reader with a bouquet of sensory inputs; Marissa with her vanilla scent that “tastes like peaches,” Brittney’s satisfied grunts and moans, and a plethora of psychedelic colors, and sensations at the hotel. Powell also creates layered characters who aren’t just there for great sex but who also have dreams of their own. Male readers can only wish they were as talented and well endowed as Kyle; female readers will want to be Brittney or Marissa, who get treated like queens.

The only detractors to this excellent book are the frequent punctuation errors and the redundant use of indentation and extra spacing for paragraph separations.

In all, Sugar Baby will be a rewarding read for someone in a frisky mood.

Reviewed by Emily Asad

Disclosure: This article is not an endorsement, but a review. The publisher of this book provided free copies of the book and paid a small fee to have their book reviewed by a professional reviewer. Foreword Reviews and Clarion Reviews make no guarantee that the publisher will receive a positive review. Foreword Magazine, Inc. is disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

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