Tapping the Source

Using the master Key System for Abundance and Happiness

Charles Haanel (1866-1949), arguably the father of self-help, published “The Master Key System” in 1912, influencing Napoleon Hill (Think and Grow Rich), and others. Now, Tapping the Source re-introduces Haanel’s seminal success principles to a new generation in a new century. Haanel may finally achieve the recognition he deserves.

The team of coauthors contemporizing Haanel’s work are three personal-growth leaders–William Gladstone, author and literary agent; Richard Greninger, producer; and John Selby, cognitive psychologist, meditation teacher, and bestselling author.

These co-authors share their back stories, with self-discovered principles that largely mirror Haanel’s. Selby (Quiet Your Mind; Take Charge of Your Mind) takes the lead in outlining the practical infrastructure for implementing Haanel’s perennial principles.

Correcting many of the most egregious misunderstandings that have crept into nearly all “law of attraction” resources, Tapping the Source resolutely affirms Haanel’s conviction: true power and efficacy come from an unshakeable inner connection to “Source” or “Universal Mind,” though not of a religious nature.

In four parts (Getting Started; Activate Your Inner Potential; Achieve Genuine Fulfillment; Practice Makes Perfect), this guide goes beyond simply updating Haanel’s work. Selby notes, “Haanel speaks so strongly about the requirement of regularly quieting the mind, but offers no concrete guidelines or methods for achieving this initial manifestation goal.”

To address this need, seven “Focus Phrases,” (unfolded with full explanations in Part Two) serve as the basis for a daily manifestation process that encourages people to go within. These “Focus Phrases,” summarized and reiterated throughout, are keyed to seven steps: “Remember To Remember; Quiet Your Mind; Enter into Receive Mode; Feel Your Core Passion; Tap into Manifestation Power; Focus Upon Your Higher Intent; Manifest Your Goal.”

Explaining the importance of “Receive Mode,” Selby outlines both “the psychological understanding and a pragmatic process.” About Chapter 11, “Tap the Creative Source, “ Selby says, “You are indeed face to face with Universal Mind.”

Haanel’s (updated) words are quoted and explained throughout with able commentary. The final chapter features Haanel’s own words, a powerful concluding message.

For those who wonder if the groaning self help shelves can hold one more “Law of Attraction” book, Tapping the Source offers a well-grounded and wise antidote. Haanel’s powerful voice of truth from the past, updated and with practices for a contemporary audience, illustrates the power of manifesting “enduring inner harmony and contentment.”

A documentary movie and online resources expand the ways to connect with this material.

Reviewed by Bobbye Middendorf

Disclosure: This article is not an endorsement, but a review. The publisher of this book provided free copies of the book and paid a small fee to have their book reviewed by a professional reviewer. Foreword Reviews and Clarion Reviews make no guarantee that the publisher will receive a positive review. Foreword Magazine, Inc. is disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

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