The Case of the Deadly Doppelganger

Join Dr. Ribero’s Agency of the Supernatural for The Case of the Deadly Doppelgänger, the second book in a series that follows Kester Lanner, a twenty-two-year-old nerd, avid indoorsman, and newly minted “spirit door-opener.” Also, he’s just discovered that he’s the son of Dr. Julio Ribero, the head of a clandestine supernatural agency on the skids. Welcome to the unglamorous, low-paying, low-profile world of the supernatural.

Desperate for work, the agency bids on a government assignment trapping a rogue doppelgänger spirit in Lyme Regis. However, their celebration soon turns sour as they learn that they’re sharing the job with Ribero’s nemesis—plus there’s an impossible deadline, a series of uncooperative locals, and a spirit that’s not exactly what it seems.

Working for his father the past four months, Kester’s still figuring out what kind of relationship he wants—to his parent and the supernatural. Unfortunately, circumstances are pushing him into a more active role; his father is diagnosed with Parkinson’s. Now Kester not only needs to contribute, he must figure out how to lead.

Despite his insecurities, something about the way this doppelgänger spirit is picking off the tight-knit group of pensioners is niggling at Kester. If he’s even going to figure it out—not to mention get some time off for a second date with his crush—he’ll have to muck about in ancient graves, internet dark sites, and moldy discount hotels, hoping and praying he’ll get lucky.

Banks blends supernatural mystery with workplace comedy in a ribald romp that threatens to run roughshod over shy, beta-hero Kester. Yet, Kester’s gawkish naiveté is endearing. After all, growing up is hard to do, and never more so than when there are spirits out to get you.

Reviewed by Letitia Montgomery-Rodgers

Disclosure: This article is not an endorsement, but a review. The publisher of this book provided free copies of the book to have their book reviewed by a professional reviewer. No fee was paid by the publisher for this review. Foreword Reviews only recommends books that we love. Foreword Magazine, Inc. is disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

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