The Dollars and Sense of Divorce

Whether the subject of divorce is broached suddenly or emerges as an inevitable conclusion to an ongoing situation, the parties involved are never quite prepared for all that will come next. There are volumes of books on the subject of divorce, but most focus on specific areas such as filing without a lawyer, emotional survival or dealing with children. The Dollars and Sense of Divorce is a book of good advice, with topics ranging from alternatives to divorce, how to choose the right attorney, how to save on lawyer and court fees and how to survive financially, post-divorce.

With the combined experience of a lawyer, a divorce plan software developer and an author, this book is a very practical approach to divorce and is especially helpful as a guide during the first stages of a separation. It’s chock full of tips designed to make the reader think before acting impulsively, such as considering the possible repercussions of walking out the door without first consulting a lawyer. It raises some considerations that a person may not even be aware of, such as using mediation or arbitration to avoid a major battle and save on lawyer fees, knowing where to look for hidden assets, and options for dividing a house.

Readers will find it well-written and easy to read, with its list of 13 do’s and don’t’s serving as handy checklists. Financial topics covering alimony payout options, health insurance coverage and pension distribution are clearly illustrated through the use of simple examples. While a lot of books on divorce are geared toward women, this book maintains a neutral perspective, and presents advice that would be beneficial to either gender. This should be the first book a person picks up when considering divorce or separation, as it could save readers some hard-learned lessons down the rocky road ahead.

Reviewed by Cindy Patuszynski

Disclosure: This article is not an endorsement, but a review. The publisher of this book provided free copies of the book to have their book reviewed by a professional reviewer. No fee was paid by the publisher for this review. Foreword Reviews only recommends books that we love. Foreword Magazine, Inc. is disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

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