The Healing Effects of Energy Medicine

Memoirs of a Medical Intuitive

“Everything physical is, at its foundation, made of energy, and energy can be altered through intent,” writes clairvoyant and renowned medical intuitive Shannon McRae. In The Healing Effects of Energy Medicine, McRae, whose work is in the tradition of Therapeutic Touch co-founders Dora Kunz and Dolores Krieger, details the exciting results of current scientific research and recounts stories of her clients as they heal, physically and emotionally, at the cellular level.

“Our minds, thoughts, and feelings—our consciousness—can be seen not only as preeminent, but also as one with the body,” McRae writes. “This means that elements throughout the body, such as hormones and cells in the immune system and brain, are directly linked to one another and affected by consciousness.” Because of this connection, focusing the conscious mind on well-being profoundly affects not only every cell in the body, but our very DNA. “To continually think and feel appreciation is to facilitate an ever-present flow of well-being—which is love—thereby continually bathing the trillions of cells in your body in this flow,” she writes.

McRae describes how emotional pain and resistance to getting well, often buried in the subconscious, can block the body’s natural propensity to heal. She proves how important it is that we learn how to govern our thought life, and how granting forgiveness to ourselves and others is, in itself, a potent force for healing.

Above all, McRae reveals how and why gratitude is such a high-potency healing energy—it turns out that our relationships, and our DNA, thrive best on appreciation.

Reviewed by Kristine Morris

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