The Omega Epiphanies

What Do UFOs and the Bible Tell Us About the End Times

Clarion Rating: 4 out of 5

The Omega Epiphanies is a passionate treatment of the hotly debated notion that aliens visited the Earth.

A. R. Roberts’s The Omega Epiphanies plumbs biblical imagery to understand the nature of UFOs and weaves together data and popular theories to make an interesting argument about the nature of God.

Arguing that the Bible describes aliens who visited this planet, including through the apocalypse story as described in Revelation, the book posits that Earth and its life-forms are a complex scientific experiment conducted by extraterrestrials. Biblical miracles are explained to be examples of alien technology in use, including instances of teleportation and interstellar firepower.

Each biblical story seen to include aliens is broken down in painstaking detail. One chapter is dedicated to demystifying the prophetic book of Ezekiel, which it treats as “the most obvious incident of flying craft in the Bible.” Each relevant verse is unpacked and explained in terms of its extraterrestrial phenomena: flashing lightning is a UFO’s control panel, and wheels are landing gear.

Chapters focus on biblical stories from the birth of Jesus to the Ark and Mount Sinai, and even parables are subjected to literal interpretation. These chapters do not follow the chronology of the Bible; instead, they are arranged by concept, helping to center the book’s arguments within their primary source material.

The work flows in an organic way, emphasizing personal interpretation rather than academic argumentation. Cherry-picking is involved in its work, and strict focus is placed on select biblical details, mining them for evidence rather than engaging in convincing meta-analysis. The book is best approached as a paranormal theory, rather than as a work of biblical criticism.

Borrowing from popular paranormal, religious, and historical conspiracy theories, as well as from various scientific theories, the text works through a broad range of sources to support its claims. Extensive endnotes and a thorough bibliography account for most of its sources, though some claims remain unsubstantiated, including that a small number of dinosaurs may have lived alongside human beings. Scientific studies are expressed in laypeople’s terms but bypass important facts.

The book’s notions of alien life align with popular media depictions of aliens, and flying saucers and other mainstream alien imagery pervade it, undermining its subversive message and making it feel like an interpretation of popular symbols rather than a deep dive into alien influences. Still, the text is clear and confident, and its language is accessible.

Unlikely to convince anyone who is not already a believer, The Omega Epiphanies is a passionate treatment of the hotly debated notion that aliens visited the Earth.

Reviewed by Claire Foster

Disclosure: This article is not an endorsement, but a review. The publisher of this book provided free copies of the book and paid a small fee to have their book reviewed by a professional reviewer. Foreword Reviews and Clarion Reviews make no guarantee that the publisher will receive a positive review. Foreword Magazine, Inc. is disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

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