The Other Altar

In The Other Altar, Nicholas Gulig reminds us there is always another way, word, time to discover in grief a never-known strength. The author of North of Order and Orient, Gulig is the 2023–24 poet laureate of Wisconsin. Thai American, he teaches at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater and lives with his wife and two daughters in Fort Atkinson.


In daughterlight, like altarsong, another year distends its hybridized epiphanies.
Every night I dream my mouth around a plastic stone and sing.

These are the roots that clutch,
and this is the empty jar of their dominion,

wilding my sight. Awake again, a god I don’t believe in
alerts me to the purple shadow cast across the kitchen counter by a spoon.

Love like an even number. I count the days until I’m future.
Found geography, my crooked grammar. Tell me in another language we are

Reviewed by Matt Sutherland

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