The Return of Planet-X
This book, though great fun, varies in substance from stretches of solid science to supermarket tabloid alien-probe conspiracy. Gloriously incorrect, The Return of Planet-X (perfect name for a 1970s/1980s midnight horror movie) is nonetheless eminently readable. Employing concepts of the Earth Changes school, the public is warned that they will be forever effected by nearly instantaneous catastrophes. Blame a renegade celestial body, believed to be the “Wormwood” foretold in the apocalyptic Book of Revelation. NASA may have observed it in 1982, but there hasn’t been any word since.
The villain is a rogue brown dwarf star, projected to distantly cross the plane of our solar system in 2009, and then again in 2012, but closely enough to fundamentally disrupt natural processes. The magnetic poles could shift, recentering on any point on the globe. With that come tidal waves, lava in the sky around the ring of fire. Plates of the lithosphere will thrust violently against each other. Life as we know it is almost over. The author predicts the pass of Planet-X could cause the deaths of three of four billion people worldwide.
Rand was originally warned by alien abductors in a flying saucer. The aliens plan to be the cataclysm’s beneficiaries, saviors with strings attached. They stand prepared to repopulate the big blue marble with human-alien hybrids, better suited to withstand future catastrophic phenomena. Endnotes provide traceability for a good deal of claims, yet too much depends on previous work of marginal research and is underpinned by unnamed data sources: “…in numerous surveys/polls…” “…upwards of 86% of (mixed gender) adults said that they believed in the validity of prophecy.” Pieces of the puzzle come from Edgar Cayce, Mother Shipton and Nostradamus. One alarm bell worth heeding is the extensive preparations the United States government has made for martial law. Democracy and freedom of movement are truly under threat. Ubiquitous surveillance cameras aren’t posted along thoroughfares simply to ease traffic congestion.
Jaysen Q. Rand holds an H.D. in EnergyInformative Sciences from an institute associated with the University of Moscow. He is active in paranormal research with articles in the UFO Library Magazine. Other publications include The Reality Engineer and The Extraterrestrial Hypothesis. Rand’s musical talents garnered thirty-five gold and platinum records as a songwriter, recording artist and producer.
Fellow abductees/contactees and extraterrestrial mavens are the already-convinced audience, but doubters will find The Return of Planet-X delicious as well. The academic establishment is sure to take a dim view. One of two exclusive scenarios must reflect reality:
(A) A serving of scientific fact folded into a collage of fanciful thinking yields faulty predictions, but matchless entertainment.
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(B) NASA is covering up the likely demise of organized society; there’s no point in saving for retirement, and critics owe the author a sheepish apology. We may have to send a bankable Hollywood actor to blow this sucker up.
Reviewed by
Todd Mercer
Disclosure: This article is not an endorsement, but a review. The publisher of this book provided free copies of the book and paid a small fee to have their book reviewed by a professional reviewer. Foreword Reviews and Clarion Reviews make no guarantee that the publisher will receive a positive review. Foreword Magazine, Inc. is disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.