The Ruling Elite
The Zionist Seizure of World Power
In any high school, no matter the size of the student body, it is nearly always a small group of students who serve on all the committees, get elected as class officers, and are considered the “insiders” by just about everyone who ever considers the situation. Now, imagine all of those “insiders” are Jews. In a nutshell, this is the theory of world history advanced by Deanna Spingola in her recent volume, The Ruling Elite: The Zionist Seizure of World Power.
The book gives no details as to the Deanna Spingola’s credentials, but readers soon learn she is skeptical of mainstream historians and educators: “Using the concept of herd mentality in government-provided public schools as mandated by Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto, teachers authoritatively instruct students on what to believe.” Spingola argues that the Rockefeller Foundation and the Carnegie Foundation dominate American education, and that the American Historical Association conceals “the hideous details of some of the most horrendous historical events.” As an alternative, in The Ruling Elite, Spingola offers her version of the truth about world events from about 1800 to 1929.
Major events in world history, Spingola asserts, result from the machinations of an array of interlocking societies, associations, foundations, and friendships. Zionism, the restoration of the Jewish state in the Middle East, and the advancement of the interests of Jews generally, tie these various entities together.
Money is the other driving force in history, the author argues. Significant historical events occur primarily as a result of secret collective action by banking, corporate, or financial interests. For instance, bankers ensured the election of President Woodrow Wilson: “Two-thirds of his financial support came from only seven people—all affiliated with Wall Street.”
Even more startling, in the later pages of the text, Spingola seems to assert that the Holocaust never occurred the way it is taught in American public schools: “Public, government-paid teachers in America teach the Holocaust, again accorded a special status by the government, as historical fact and no student dare question or dispute its history despite scientific evidence.” She refers to an attempt by Jews to use the alleged deaths of six million Jews during World War II as fulfillment of an ancient prophecy that says six million Jews must “disappear” before the state of Israel can be created.
Spingola’s text is too long and its breadth of material too wide to assert that it is completely devoid of any accurate reporting. There is no doubt, however, that this history has a point of view. Spingola’s conclusions often lack support, and she offers no bibliography—though she does include nearly two-thousand footnotes.
The Ruling Elite, in the end, is like the thirteenth strike of a clock. Obviously the last strike was a mistake, and that fact puts into question the accuracy of all the other strikes of the clock. The clock may still be a clock, but its value as an authoritative teller of time is seriously in doubt.
Reviewed by
John Senger
Disclosure: This article is not an endorsement, but a review. The publisher of this book provided free copies of the book and paid a small fee to have their book reviewed by a professional reviewer. Foreword Reviews and Clarion Reviews make no guarantee that the publisher will receive a positive review. Foreword Magazine, Inc. is disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.