The Short Range Anti-Gravitational Force and the Hierarchichally Space-Time Geometry in 12 Dimensions

Clarion Rating: 3 out of 5

Christina Anne Knight says that her book “… is presented in a manner that should be intelligible to an intelligent layperson that has some basic knowledge of physics and cosmology.”

That said, readers should be prepared for references to scientific concepts like the Planck constant (“physical constant used to describe the sizes of quanta in quantum mechanics”) in Knight’s hypotheses. As an example of her views, the author believes that there is a “…previously undetected (perhaps fundamentally undetectable) short-range force functioning in opposition to the gravitational force with a range limited to, or below, the Planck length.”

Such are the complexities of Knight’s highly technical work. Nevertheless, it is true that an intelligent person who has read Hawking’s popular A Brief History of Time, or some of the articles by New York Times writer Dennis Overbye, should be able to grasp the basics of her theses. But readers should approach this book with the clear idea that it will require a deliberate and disciplined effort to finish.

First of all, Knight postulates that there are fundamental errors in the assumed knowledge of astrophysics. For example, the author believes the universe is in the process of evolution. In fact, Knight writes, “It is somewhat ironic that the field of cosmology is within a position not altogether different from that of biology before the advent of the ideas provided by Darwin and Mendel.”

Secondly, the author believes what humankind recognizes as space-time actually consists of nine dimensions of space and three dimensions of time, and that this complexity is divided into three separate strata, “each of which has its own four-dimensional structure and strata-specific parameters (with variations in the gravitational constant G, the speed of light c, and the Planck constant).”

And what Knight sets out to prove, at least in the eyes of one layperson, is this: The irreconcilable differences between the Anti-G and G forces, which are fundamental to space-time geometry, ensure that the universe will be eternally evolving.

Knight’s book will be slow-going even for the most avid astrophysics enthusiast. Pages and paragraphs will need to be re-read and then mulled over in relation to what the reader comprehends about science, and in particular physics, quantum physics, and topics within and related to those fields, such as Einstein’s general and special theories, and Newton’s laws.

Further intensity of focus is required because the book resembles nothing so much as a long scientific paper, with no chapters or differentiated segments. This is so, even though there is no author biography, nor are any scholarly credentials listed for the author, and there is only one short chart and no mathematical formulas to decipher.

Knight’s goal is to state her belief that the universe does “make sense“ in contradiction of current theories relating to a “multiverse” based on “blind probability.” Upon completion, the average “intelligent layperson” doubtless will come to think of this book as a Rubik’s Cube of writing: fun, frustrating, and ultimately solvable by the very few.

Reviewed by Gary Presley

Disclosure: This article is not an endorsement, but a review. The publisher of this book provided free copies of the book and paid a small fee to have their book reviewed by a professional reviewer. Foreword Reviews and Clarion Reviews make no guarantee that the publisher will receive a positive review. Foreword Magazine, Inc. is disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

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