The Sweet Potato Cookbook

A cookbook with recipes only for sweet potatoes sounds limiting, but anything and everything you could ever do with this veggie may be found in this recipe- cyclopedia. Sweet potato appetizers, soups, breads, salads, breakfast, main dishes, side dishes, desserts, and even beverages are all possible. Great news for vegetarians looking for something new, fresh and different. All recipes require only the most basic ingredients, usually available year round.

Recipes like Madeleine’s Thanksgiving Sweet Potato Casserole, Christmas Pudding, Maple Syrup Apples and Sweet Potatoes and Brunch Sweet Potatoes and Eggs should make cooks want to give these tubers a second try. Author North Talmadge is the daughter-in-law of former Georgia Sen. Herman E. Talmadge; her creativity and variety are refreshing, and inspirational.

Sweetening the title are a few beautiful black-and-white sketches by illustrator Madeleine Watt, an introductory story on the sweet potato, and general sweet potato facts (’sweet potatoes and yams are not the same apple: the sweet potato is a vegetable in the morning-glory family known as Convolvulceae, while the yam is in the yam family known as Dioscoreaceae, and is grown in only the tropics of Western Africa, Southeast Asia, India, and the Caribbean Islands, with a short growing season in the United States?).

The Sweet Potato Cookbook provides fresh new recipes that will enhance any cook’s cuisine.

Reviewed by Nancy Tamburello

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