The Ultimate PCOS Handbook

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) affects one in ten women in the US, UK, and Australia. Hormones are disrupted, causing irregular periods, subfertility, acne, obesity, excess hair, and long-term health risks including diabetes. The Ultimate PCOS Handbook by Colette Harris and Theresa Cheung (Conari Press, 978-1-57324-371-1) helps readers understand the condition and their symptoms. The book stresses natural ways to manage symptoms, using proper nutrition, exercise, and detoxification which can all regulate insulin and hormones, but the authors. The authors also ac-knowledge that oral contraceptives are sometimes the best solution and include important information about each type.

“In our day-to-day lives it’s estimated that there are now hundreds of chemicals that didn’t exist sixty years ago that deplete nutrients, collect in our bodies, and interfere with hormonal health,” the authors write. To avoid these dangerous chemicals, they advise readers to quit smoking, cut down on caffeine, eat fresh foods, use non-plastics, like glass, for food storage, and drink filtered water and little alcohol. One chapter discusses fertility, which is one of the biggest concerns for women with PCOS. Psychological issues associated with the condition are also addressed by the authors, health journalists who suffer from PCOS themselves.

Reviewed by Whitney Hallberg

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