Thread for Pearls

A Story of Resilient Hope

Clarion Rating: 3 out of 5

Thread for Pearls is inspirational as its heroine overcomes complicated circumstances in her search for home.

Lauren Speeth’s Thread for Pearls is a touching and inspirational historical novel about self-discovery in challenging times.

Fiona’s world is filled with all manner of twists. She is born into a broken home and is raised by her father, Wolf. She also has a loving stepmother, Hanna. While she is still a child, Hanna and her parents leave the United States for India. They return later and settle in rural Pennsylvania. Financial strain hits the family hard, and the adults separate. Fiona, facing new changes, longs to break free from her parents’ expectations and finally feel at home.

Characters are examined both for their flaws and their strengths; they are a realistic bunch. Fiona is a people-pleaser who wants her parents’ approval, and she doesn’t question their worldviews. She adopts her father’s liberal perspective against Vietnam when she lives with him; she does the same when she lives in California with her mother. Still, she is shown to be strong in her adaptability. Wolf imposes his opinions on those around him, but his love for his daughter is apparent.

Fiona’s fortitude makes her story satisfying to follow. As her life constantly changes, she barely has time to catch her breath and reflect. Instead, she moves from place to place until she finds her voice and a way to be settled.

Language is clear and thoroughly descriptive. Cultural differences are highlighted wherever Fiona lands—as she notices the differences between women’s social statuses in India and the US, and in her observations of New Delhi poverty. There’s little dialogue, though. Scenes are slow and often overly narrated; they are action-light, subtle, and unemotional.

Even distressing scenes receive this treatment, including an instance of sexual abuse that passes without resolution. The focus here is more on characters’ unspoken thoughts than on their actions; their impact is cumulative, if not always affecting. The tone and pace remain constant throughout; Fiona faces every challenge without complaint. Her internal anguish is apparent, but she does not truly grow until near the end of the book.

The novel’s resolutions are clearly defined from the beginning, when Fiona is already searching for a final home. Every step of the way, she questions whether she’s there. Thread for Pearls is an inspirational story.

Reviewed by Edith Wairimu

Disclosure: This article is not an endorsement, but a review. The publisher of this book provided free copies of the book and paid a small fee to have their book reviewed by a professional reviewer. Foreword Reviews and Clarion Reviews make no guarantee that the publisher will receive a positive review. Foreword Magazine, Inc. is disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

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