Tiger Eyes and Dragon Teeth

The Psion Saga 1

Clarion Rating: 5 out of 5

Satisfying and revelatory, the fantasy novel Tiger Eyes and Dragon Teeth introduces a tantalizing new world.

In Alikai Bronach’s trilogy-opening fantasy novel Tiger Eyes and Dragon Teeth, a war breaks out in a magical realm where humans gain powers by bonding with animals.

Talon spent years waiting for the opportunity to bond with one of the powerful animals living near his village. While on a trip to gather food for the community, he crosses paths with an ice tiger, Rekala. The two bind in an immediate way, and Talon becomes a Rada—a human who is capable of telepathic communication with an animal and who has the ability to shapeshift.

But then a Zeika attack thrusts Talon into danger. The Zeikas worship a demon king and have confused Talon for a prophesied human capable of wielding power beyond that of a Rada. Rekala’s capture and other acts of Rada enslavement force Talon to master his gift and gather allies. In the process, he makes enemies, including an ancient king who commands an army of near-immortal sorcerers.

The world of Chryne is seen from Talon’s perspective as he leaves his home and learns to control his new abilities. He imparts a deep sense of the world’s history, reflecting on his childhood studies and interacting with other tribes as he explores larger cities. The magic system is built on trust and communal interaction: Rada earn their abilities from their bonded animal by building relationships with them, but also by connecting with other Rada and their bonded animals. People communicate and share information at a psychic level, contributing to the intricacy of Chryne’s systems of telepathy and shapeshifting.

Chryne is well established as an unusual world with varied biomes and cities. The prose is approachable and clear; when in-world language is used, its context is clear and enlightening. Scenes are wrought in visceral detail—most evident in Zeika attacks, which are violent and jarring, as Zeikas tend to assault their victims’ minds and bodies.

Talon is an impressive hero—driven to master his abilities and honor those who came before him. He’s often confronted with horrific choices, but he refuses to act without thinking. And his relationship with Rekala is endearing, in particular as the animal gains greater awareness of the world beyond her own through their bond. They grow together, overcome obstacles, and become better versions of themselves as the story progresses. Even though this volume is the first in a trilogy, its conclusion is satisfying and revelatory, foreshadowing events to come in a tantalizing manner.

Tiger Eyes and Dragon Teeth starts a fantasy series in a world of telepathic animals and sadistic demons anchored by a young man’s maturation into magic and politics.

Reviewed by John M. Murray

Disclosure: This article is not an endorsement, but a review. The publisher of this book provided free copies of the book and paid a small fee to have their book reviewed by a professional reviewer. Foreword Reviews and Clarion Reviews make no guarantee that the publisher will receive a positive review. Foreword Magazine, Inc. is disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

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