Time for PsyQ

Quantum Talents Series Book 1

Clarion Rating: 3 out of 5

In the inspiring novel Time for PsyQ, a shy girl uses her special abilities to help others.

In Marti Ward’s fast, fun novel Time for PsyQ, friends learn that their individual differences—and their willingness to work together—are powerful tools.

Airlie is studious and shy. On her eleventh birthday, she gets a longed-for gift—a kitten, Sooty. And with Sooty’s help, Airlie discovers her ability to envision past and future events. Airlie uses these visions to solve mysteries at her school after someone begins stealing items from students. And her friendships, cat, and love of science also lead to a supernatural adventure full of creativity and excitement.

Indeed, Airlie’s reputation earns her two irresistible invitations—to a new middle school with quantum psychology courses and to a summer camp run by Inspector Jonathan Humble of the Minor Affairs Unit. She goes to summer camp before venturing to her new school and becomes aware that other children have powers of their own; she seeks the courage to rescue one of her newfound friends who has been kidnapped, using her visions. Airlie’s feelings of bravery and self-confidence grow as she learns more about herself too.

The story moves from scene to scene with speed, though it is light on clear transitions or developed explanations for people’s decisions. For example, Inspector Humble decides to use Airlie as a guinea pig for a hadron collider experiment, but his reasoning is underexplained. And in some scenes, details are jumbled: with the case of the missing school items, for example, the students place their items on their desks and are said to borrow pens and pencils, but questions regarding how these points connect muddle the scene. Further, in scenes with multiple people, clarity on who’s speaking is sometimes missing. As a result of such imprecision, the world beyond Airlie’s exciting new experiences remains hazy. Further, the book is heavy with science explanations regarding psychology and terms like “functional MRI” that interrupt its flow.

Still, Airlie and her friends are powerful models of self-confidence, teamwork, and friendship. When Kate and her dog go missing, it takes Airlie, Sooty, and Tim working together, using their connected abilities, to gather the information that Inspector Humble needs. When Airlie has the bravery to speak up and work together with others, the results are triumphant.

In the inspiring novel Time for PsyQ, a shy girl uses her special abilities to help others, benefiting from bravery and teamwork.

Reviewed by Brittany Vail

Disclosure: This article is not an endorsement, but a review. The publisher of this book provided free copies of the book and paid a small fee to have their book reviewed by a professional reviewer. Foreword Reviews and Clarion Reviews make no guarantee that the publisher will receive a positive review. Foreword Magazine, Inc. is disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

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