When Thought Turns to Light

A Practical Guide to Spiritual Transformation

2016 INDIES Finalist
Finalist, Religion (Adult Nonfiction)

Clarion Rating: 4 out of 5

When Thought Turns to Light accepts everyone for who they are and gently nudges them to accept themselves in the same way.

An introspective and comprehensive guide to being a better person, When Thought Turns to Light by Patrick Paul Garlinger incorporates everything from meditation to community service to eating organic foods in this helpful and never-preachy guide.

Garlinger, a former full-time attorney turned spiritual writer and teacher, lays out a straightforward strategy for transcending the ego and attaining a more mindful, meaningful life. Each chapter focuses on a different aspect of a holistic approach to happiness, starting with what the “Light” is and ending with a gentle admonishment that one’s journey is never truly over.

Many of the book’s ideas are far from original, but the true strength here is the author’s calm and understanding way of presenting information and tying it all together. The book clearly states that the author was once on a less mindful path himself, and it effectively uses his journey to a more enlightened state as examples throughout the text. This helps make the guide relatable and compassionate.

When Thought Turns to Light is a gentle, loving guide rather than a “how-to” or a negative commentary on the mindset of most people today. It is also an extremely accessible book for those of all religions and backgrounds, as “The Light” can be interpreted as the supreme being in any spiritual belief system. Appropriate for those who identify themselves as religious, spiritual, or simply curious about a better way of living, this guide can act as a starting point to exploration of the deeper self.

The chapters are well organized, making it easy to go back and refer to specific concepts, which makes for a quick read. The language is simple and has good rhythm without venturing into the trap of becoming either simplistic or esoteric.

Though it is easy to navigate and understand, When Thought Turns to Light could be a bit overwhelming to the newcomer who tries to incorporate all the presented ideas at once. It may seem daunting enough to start a meditation habit, let alone pairing that with organic eating, community service, and practicing mantras. However, the book does a good job of making suggestions of how to slowly and systematically incorporate the ideas so that change happens gradually and is sustainable.

A perfect guide for those who truly want to live a richer, more abundant life that is free of hatred, judgment, and fear, When Thought Turns to Light is a highly readable book that accepts everyone for who they are and gently nudges them to accept themselves in the same way.

Reviewed by Angela McQuay

Disclosure: This article is not an endorsement, but a review. The publisher of this book provided free copies of the book and paid a small fee to have their book reviewed by a professional reviewer. Foreword Reviews and Clarion Reviews make no guarantee that the publisher will receive a positive review. Foreword Magazine, Inc. is disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

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