Where Angels Fear to Tread
Sometimes, the line between dreams we have while asleep and day dreams during wakefulness can become blurred. Some people have even been known to experience confusion about whether an event actually happened or if it took place in a dream. Edgar Allan Poe had his own take on the concept, writing, “All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream.”
Alex Morrey’s Where Angels Fear to Tread explores a similar theory that everything in life really isn’t what it seems to be. He contends that our universe consists of a “very large matrix array (VLA) of dream-like worlds.” This VLA is composed of segments, some nearer and others further away from the ideal state of Reality. No human being can fully comprehend or exist in Reality because of its immensity, but each one of us is capable of moving closer to it. Those who progress nearer to this perfect place have let go of their subliminally transferred beliefs about science, politics, and religion. Humans who find their Real selves, closer to Reality, can positively affect those around them.
The subliminal transfer of information, which the author terms “coercive interaction,” occurs within the unconscious mind of humanity, both collectively and individually. Fewer conflicts seem to arise between people at the unconscious level than occur at conscious levels. Morrey writes, “the vast majority of us are, inadvertently, in agreement on an unconscious level about the fundamental nature of belief.” The author, who lives on the Isle of Wight, holds bachelor’s degrees in physics and mathematics.
People living closer to Reality have learned to focus on their moment-to-moment experiences, through meditation and other transformative practices. This helps to merge their conscious minds with the unconscious, resulting in greater concordance between these two levels of awareness. In theory, the author says, “Once one is living in Reality, there is no question of death, since we…are no longer impacted by the coercive interaction between minds that believe that life inevitably ends in demise.”
Some humans possess the gift of double mindedness, a condition whereby the host mind perceives its secondary mind as a separate and real person. The second, or charismatic, mind lives closer to Reality and guides the host mind towards comprehension of ideas and events beyond its normal capabilities. “The belief structures of those people in the vicinity of such a person will be enhanced by the presence of this double mind,” Morrey writes.
This book presents interesting ideas about the human quest to understand life and connect with spirit. Frequent misspelled and misplaced words, repetition of ideas, and typographical errors result in an amateurish effect that belies the text’s serious nature. Several numbered statements at the beginning of the book lack correlative footnotes. The appendix, intended to clarify and update the main text, serves only to repeat that information.
Readers interested in exploring theories about the interconnections of matter with spirit will find meaning in this book.
Reviewed by
Margaret Cullison
Disclosure: This article is not an endorsement, but a review. The publisher of this book provided free copies of the book and paid a small fee to have their book reviewed by a professional reviewer. Foreword Reviews and Clarion Reviews make no guarantee that the publisher will receive a positive review. Foreword Magazine, Inc. is disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.