Why You Must and How You Can Get Rid of Politicians

Clarion Rating: 2 out of 5

Frank Villani has achieved the American Dream—he’s worked hard and amassed enough security to spend his twilight years complaining about the government full time. He shows guts to spare by making one wildly outrageous statement after another displaying more opinions than the entire Gallup organization occasionally making acute sense out of original policy proposals in this 700-page protest against inefficiency and waste. Rarely has anyone who purposely emphasizes a total lack of their own qualifications been so intent on cutting through widely accepted ideas to reveal a contradictory truth.

The thesis boils down to this: our leaders are stealing more from us every year. We’re working half our lives to enrich them to benefit their expanding parasitic system and the problem will only end with the collapse of society if the culprits aren’t dismissed. The author examines programs and agencies from multiple angles using both real budget data and composite impression finding the vast majority of government functions ripe for complete privatization or abolition. Villani retains the United States military and a radically restructured Department of Justice concentrated on policing strategies. The author’s response to the tax code’s bewildering complexity is to bill each household a single flat fee (same for all) payable to the local government which would distribute a portion to state and federal budgets.

Grimly humorous and hyper-reactionary (or perhaps just hyperactive) Villani illustrates points with facetious baiting flailing furiously for balance on Archie Bunker’s knife edge. He slips when indicating Western environmentalists’ opposition to eradicating disease-bearing mosquitoes with DDT summarizing their apparent unconcern for African lives with harsh rhetoric saying “But what do we care if a couple of million niggers die?” He is equally inflammatory when ranting on Arabs lawyers the Department of Homeland Security socialists welfare recipients Muslims Ann Arbor tree-huggers rap music (“related to music in the same way vomit is related to food”) and American Indians who Villani says “had a brutal and primitive culture.” Where intensive kidding leaves off is difficult to gauge. Though Marxism sustains hit after hit the value of labor is nonetheless singled out as the only real cost which isn’t the result of manipulation by politicians and financial careerists who benefit from the current dysfunction.

Get Rid of Politicians is either daringly unrestrained or miles off the tracks depending on readers’ perspective level of frustration with ever-increasing government control and their overall tolerance for intolerance. The author cares passionately about finding cures for a terminally ill political framework but his disdain for the obfuscatory smokescreens of self-censorship means he’s liable to spout off astonishingly offensive slurs right after sounding more economically informed than Milton Friedman for the briefest of moments. This filter-free mix of diatribe and detailed proposals for reorganization is sure to stir up anger maybe even at the lying thieving incompetent officials from both sides of the aisle who have been relieving themselves in everyone’s Wheaties for decades.

Reviewed by Todd Mercer

Disclosure: This article is not an endorsement, but a review. The publisher of this book provided free copies of the book and paid a small fee to have their book reviewed by a professional reviewer. Foreword Reviews and Clarion Reviews make no guarantee that the publisher will receive a positive review. Foreword Magazine, Inc. is disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

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