Women of Faith in the Marketplace

Finding Your Kingdom Purpose

Clarion Rating: 5 out of 5

This book is a must-read for evangelical Christian women working to reconcile their outside work with traditional church teachings.

Even in the twenty-first century, the decision to work outside the home can give rise to all kinds of inner conflict for conservative Christian women, from the inevitable “mommy guilt” and exhaustion to self-doubt, second thoughts, and even the disapproval of their church communities. Dotty J. Bollinger’s Women of Faith in the Marketplace: Finding Your Kingdom Purpose is a comprehensive, wise, and faith-based guide to successful leadership that empowers women of faith to honor their gifts and embrace their callings toward service in the world.

“The battle that rages in one’s own heart about what it means to be a Christian woman with a kingdom assignment outside the family unit is a complex struggle,” writes Bollinger, whose encouragement is laced with real-life examples of women who’ve found that they could seek professional success without compromising their faith or family. She addresses the “spiritual warfare,” some of it quite subtle, that a Christian woman can expect to encounter as she engages in “servant leadership” in the workplace, and hits the mark on what can often make the struggle so lonely: the fact that churches often don’t understand the needs of working women and, ignoring the fact that “all jobs and all workplaces are mission fields,” can make them feel that their call to work outside the home is mistaken and somehow “ungodly.”

Bollinger offers practical suggestions for caring for both body and spirit, teaches the techniques of spiritual warfare and self-protection, and shows that it’s possible to balance work with relationships. She also touches on the issues that may arise when it’s the husband who stays at home to care for the children—an arrangement that she declares is not at all contrary to God’s teaching.

Each chapter begins with a Bible verse and a quote from a woman who has come to see her place in God’s kingdom with new eyes. Chapters end with thoughtful, probing questions about one’s own personal journey, and scriptural passages to encourage reflection. Bollinger also advises keeping a journal of spiritual growth and provides specific “homework” assignments to help women honor their gifts and make progress toward a better, more confident future.

Errors, which are few in this well-written book, include several mistakes in word usage, unnecessary italics, and very occasional lapses in syntax. The cover art and design are attractive, strong, and fun, and the introduction powerfully sets the stage for the potentially life-changing material to come.

Practical, encouraging, and based on both study and real-life experience, this book is a must-read for evangelical Christian women who find themselves confused, alienated, and alone as they try to reconcile their calling to serve outside the home with traditional conservative church teaching on the role of women. Affirming that God is on their side and will always provide what is needed for success, Bollinger writes, “You’ve got the best and most innovative business coach living right inside you. God speaks. Listen up!”

Reviewed by Kristine Morris

Disclosure: This article is not an endorsement, but a review. The publisher of this book provided free copies of the book and paid a small fee to have their book reviewed by a professional reviewer. Foreword Reviews and Clarion Reviews make no guarantee that the publisher will receive a positive review. Foreword Magazine, Inc. is disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

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