You Are So Much More Than You Think

Discover Your Inner Power, Love Your Authentic Self

Clarion Rating: 4 out of 5

You Are So Much More Than You Think is a hopeful, heartfelt self-help book that weaves together wisdom from a variety of spiritual teachings and therapeutic techniques.

Beverly Creran’s You Are So Much More Than You Think is an insightful self-help book with wisdom, advice, and practical self-improvement techniques for people at all life stages.

Though it is presented with the goal of helping women, the book contains techniques and tips that can be used by people of any gender to find passion and explore new avenues of growth. It asserts that each person is enough on their own at any given moment through frequent reminders that people “are made up of expansion, light and harmony at our truest form—we are all beautiful, glorious spiritual human beings!” It also urges contemplation on the higher nature of humanity and invites a practice of gratitude for ordinary blessings, which it says grow more powerful and abundant through the act of noticing them.

New Age influences are apparent in the book’s recommendations to take up a meditation practice to clear one’s chakras and promote the flow of energy throughout the body, as well as in its encouragements to seek out high-vibration people, interactions, environments, and experiences. It attributes depressive factors and stagnation to low vibrations. Positive affirmations are also mentioned as a self-care technique, said to have the power to heal wounds entrenched in the psyche.

But these are just a few ways among many to replace negative beliefs with more optimistic mindsets. In total, the book is a wide-ranging toolkit of self-care, self-soothing, and self-improvement practices. Its varying notions coalesce around the common theme of loving oneself, both for the sake of nurturing others and forming nourishing relationships and for its own sake.

In addition to its ancient and New Age influences, the book draws on the well of modern knowledge about the human mind and the external forces that influence it and uses this to amplify its more familiar discussions of what can be done to find balance and achieve inner peace. In this way, its view of body, mind, and soul well-being strives to be holistic. In concert with this, at various points throughout the book, self-reflection questions are posed, helping to personalize the text. And outside quotes appear throughout the book as well, complementing its ideas well. Some are contemporary, as with a quote from Morgan Freeman; others are ancient, as with those from Rumi and other philosophers, innovators, and thinkers throughout history.

You Are So Much More Than You Think is a hopeful, heartfelt self-help book that weaves together wisdom from a variety of spiritual teachings and therapeutic techniques.

Reviewed by Caitlin Cacciatore

Disclosure: This article is not an endorsement, but a review. The publisher of this book provided free copies of the book and paid a small fee to have their book reviewed by a professional reviewer. Foreword Reviews and Clarion Reviews make no guarantee that the publisher will receive a positive review. Foreword Magazine, Inc. is disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

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