Foreword INDIE
2019 Finalist for Adventure, Sports & Recreation
2019 SILVER Winner for Adventure, Sports & Recreation
Foreword INDIE
Running to Glory
Book Review
Why We Swim
Ten people drown every day in the US, one hundred around the world. Humans, the evidence shows, are not natural born swimmers. But swim we do. It’s the second most popular form of exercise in this country, behind walking. "Why We Swim"...
Book Review
Edge of the Map
Johanna Garton’s engrossing "Edge of the Map" traces the rise of Wisconsin native Christine Boskoff to the top of the list of elite mountain climbers. Known for her humility, courage, strength, and uncanny ability to breathe at high...
Book Review
In his new book "Faster", Neal Bascomb retraces the story of an underdog racing team. Made up of a driver banned from all the top European teams because of his Jewish heritage; an ambitious American heiress who wanted to make her mark in...
Book Review
No Way but to Fight
by Joe Taylor
Andrew R. M. Smith’s comprehensive study of two-time heavyweight champion George Foreman, and of the sport of boxing during his long career, is "No Way but to Fight". Foreman, a poor middle school dropout, discovered his punch on the...
Book Review
Breaking Through
Women athletes of the 1920s are seen overcoming stereotypes and opposition in Sue Macy’s uplifting "Breaking Through", a text that shows how women defied the odds during a definitive decade for competitive sports. The 1920s debate...
Book Review
Swim, Bike, Bonk
Will McGough’s irreverent memoir "Swim, Bike, Bonk" is about surviving the Ironman triathlon. The Ironman involves 2.4 miles of swimming, 112 miles of cycling, and 26.2 miles of running. It is an epic race attempted by only the most...