Covering differing versions of a single life seen side by side, the reflective novel "Too Soon Old, Too Late Smart" is a satisfying dual adventure about a lifetime of joy and mysteries. In Rex Cole’s touching novel "Too Soon Old, Too... Read More
Treating innovation, imagination, and creativity as distinctive human traits, the leadership guide "The Imagination Emporium" is about capitalizing on the unique abilities of each and every employee. Duncan Wardle’s "The Imagination... Read More
"Not Good Enough Girl" is a complex memoir about innocence interrupted. Sondra R. Brooks’s riveting memoir "Not Good Enough Girl" is about family dysfunction, abuse, and addiction. When Brooks was five, she began navigating her... Read More
Imbued with humor, "Grimwell" is a refreshing take on the hero’s journey. In Michael Belanger’s satirical fantasy novel "Grimwell", simple changes turn a mundane life into one of adventure. Derek, an aimless barista, struggles to... Read More
An encouraging writer’s workbook with a bevy of suggestions to get one’s creative juices flowing, "The One Week Writing Workshop" is a helpful, exercise-laden guide. Karin Adams’s personalized storytellers’ guide "The One Week... Read More
Iran’s turn-of-the-century transformations spur a young couple to risk their lives in the gripping historical novel "Silenced Whispers". In Afarin Ordubadi Bellisario’s intriguing historical novel "Silenced Whispers", a teenager... Read More
"Votes of Confidence" teaches citizens about the importance of the electoral process through evidence and examples. A masterful overview of the history and mechanics of US elections, Jeff Fleischer’s "Votes of Confidence" is a... Read More