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51 results for issue: may june 2004

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Book Review

Still Lives

by Ruth Wucherer

What is it like to live in a wheelchair, without sensation and movement in the body? According to the author, “The answer is found in the experiences of those in that position, but in fact there is no single answer, for each person has... Read More

Book Review

Children for the Union

by Robin Farrell Edmunds

Young Tillie Pierce and a friend who wandered near the battlefield after the first day of fighting at Gettysburg were horrified at the sight. They were so overcome by the sad and awful spectacle that they hastened back to the house,... Read More

Book Review

The Jewish Women of Ravensbruck Concentration Camp

“I do not remember much more, except the pushcarts laden with emaciated, naked corpses, their limbs often hanging over the side of the cart. Once in a while some would fall off … being picked up and thrown back on the heap.” This... Read More

Book Review

The Last Pope

by Scott La Counte

Sex, scandal, drugs, and the Pope-these are central themes of this new novel about the death of a pope and the process of replacing him. The book is a turn from the author’s previous best-selling suspense and mystery novels, but it... Read More

Book Review

Making Love

“True love, by definition, is unrequited,” claims the narrator of this polished debut novel, recounting her love affair with the troubled Louis. The first-person protagonist goes unnamed, but that seems inconsequential-what matters... Read More

Book Review

The Basket Maker

Shaman and “transcendental clairvoyant” are titles that don’t easily sit on the shoulders of the keen, plainspoken dead and living characters of this winning first novel, but they should. Sarah, a lonely eleven-year-old girl new to... Read More

Book Review

Roosevelt the Reformer

by Karl Helicher

During the six years that Theodore Roosevelt served as civil service commissioner (1889?1895), civil service reform was the most divisive issue of its time, says the author, who is an award-winning professor of public administration at... Read More

Book Review

Ideas are Free

by Leonard F. Charla

Workers can generate ideas for improvements that are useful, even innovative. Some organizations receive and utilize employee ideas with considerable success. Many more do not. The authors undertook a years-long international study of... Read More

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