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140 results for ( issue-id: 352364 ) ( type: review )

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Book Review

The Lion and the Bird

by Aimee Jodoin

An unlikely friendship blossoms between a rosy-cheeked, gardening lion and a bird who is injured and unable to fly south with his flock. Marianne Dubuc’s pencil drawings characterize these kind, loyal, and wise companions as they keep... Read More

Book Review

Children Are Naughty

by Aimee Jodoin

This entertaining book portraying adults as victims of naughtiness reveals to kids how their behavior can make all those nice adults feel rejected or afraid. The chaotic illustrations spark laughter while teaching compassion and... Read More

Book Review


by Aimee Jodoin

With imaginative scenes of bright colors and the streaming limbs of horses and Lakota warriors, Donald Montileaux helps preserve the practice of traditional art and oral storytelling. Both a lesson on the abuse of power and a suspenseful... Read More

Book Review

The Most Magnificent Thing

by Aimee Jodoin

The most magnificent invention in the world can only take shape with balanced doses of creativity, hard work, and patience. With the help of her canine assistant, this daring perfectionist sets to work, tinkering and fiddling, measuring... Read More

Book Review

The Very Tiny Baby

by Aimee Jodoin

From learning that grown-ups can be scared to experiencing mean thoughts about a newborn sibling, Jacob develops new, sometimes tough understanding when his baby brother is born too soon. The faces of these simply drawn characters and... Read More

Book Review

I Carry Your Heart with Me

by Aimee Jodoin

A mother shows her daughter the world, from season to season, from night into day, in the sweet, collage artwork that accompanies the poem “[i carry your heart with me(i carry it in],” by E. E. Cummings. Mellow colors and images... Read More

Book Review

The Geometry of Love

by Allyce Amidon

Jessica Levine has crafted a lyrical and realistic examination of the complications and exhilarations of romantic entanglements. "The Geometry of Love" asks whether stability or passion is more important in a relationship, as a love... Read More

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