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144 results for ( issue-id: 467278 ) ( type: review )

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Book Review

Claws and Effect

by Pallas Gates McCorquodale

Combining the colonial with the cretaceous, co-authors Chris Kentz and Steve Hockensmith cook up a smart new adventure in "Claws and Effect". On their way home from the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum—and first-time travel... Read More

Book Review


by Pallas Gates McCorquodale

Famous for his hot temper and controversial painting style, young Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio took Italy by storm during the political and religious upheaval of the Renaissance, and Marissa Moss exposes all the drama and passion of... Read More

Book Review


by Pallas Gates McCorquodale

High School has not been kind to outcast duo Coy and Monroe, but while things may be looking up for one, the other continues in a downward spiral. "Nickel", from Robert Wilder, explores the complicated relationships and balance between... Read More

Book Review

All the Dirt

by Pallas Gates McCorquodale

From Mussolini and Marie Antoinette to Telemachus and Booker T. Washington, Katherine Ashenburg gets intimate with the ever-evolving customs and convictions behind bathtime in All the Dirt: A History of Getting Clean. Going all the way... Read More

Book Review

Dangerous Years

by Scott Neuffer

Environmental policy wonk and sustainability pioneer David W. Orr pulls the proverbial fire alarm on American complacence and apathy in his rousing new polemic, "Dangerous Years". Front and center is the physical reality of climate... Read More

Book Review

Special You

by Catherine Reed-Thureson

"Special You" is about a little elephant named Little Why. As he travels with the other elephants to a watering hole, he meets several interesting animals and wishes that he had long legs, spiky horns, or a snappy snout like they do, but... Read More

Book Review


by Catherine Reed-Thureson

"Superfairies" is a fun set of four stories, one for each season of the year. The four fairies—Star, Berry, Rose, and Silk—tend to the animals around Peaseblossom Woods, rescuing them from whatever trouble they get into. The... Read More

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