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134 results for ( issue-id: 467316 ) ( type: review )

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Book Review


by Stephanie Bucklin

When Stella Blunt arrives at a new school, her abrasive and straight-shooting personality doesn’t make her many new friends—with the exception of Howard “Howie” Mullins, a sweet, shy boy in her Chemistry class who also happens to... Read More

Book Review

Bibliotheca Salmo Salar

by Matt Sutherland

With a certain, high level of fanaticism in mind, to call salmon fishing a sport, chess a board game, landscape painting a hobby, mountain climbing a hike, just doesn’t quite capture the spirit of the thing. And when the sought prize... Read More

Book Review

Explorers’ Sketchbooks

by Matt Sutherland

Antarctic adventurer Ernest Shackleton believed “it is in our nature to explore, to reach out into the unknown,” and few of us with a pulse would disagree. But Shackleton was living at a time when satellite phones didn’t exist and... Read More

Book Review

What Will Grow?

by Pallas Gates McCorquodale

Simple, lively rhymes and fold-out pages showcase a variety of crops as they grow from seed to plant, in Jennifer Ward’s "What Will Grow?" Spring and summer give way to fall and winter as Susie Ghahremani’s colorful illustrations... Read More

Book Review

The Boy Who Cried

by Pallas Gates McCorquodale

Used to Billy expressing himself through sobs and screams and shouts, his parents are at their wit’s end when his tears and tantrums finally threaten to take over completely, in Khoa Le’s "The Boy Who Cried". Beautifully expressive... Read More

Book Review

The Blue Songbird

by Pallas Gates McCorquodale

A hauntingly sweet melody that resonates of home, family, love, and unique life experiences is at the heart of Vern Kousky’s "The Blue Songbird", the story of one small bird’s journey to find her song. Landscapes and horizons take... Read More

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