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126 results for ( issue-id: 467322 ) ( type: review )

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Book Review

In Praise of Shadows

by Meg Nola

Rintoul’s narration is mellow and erudite, offering a vocal continuity to Tanizaki’s fascinating thoughts. "In Praise of Shadows", Junichiro Tanizaki’s 1933 essay on aspects of Japanese design and culture, finds a new dimension in... Read More

Book Review

Women in Love

by Karen Mulvahill

When narrated by Slack, Lawrence’s philosophical conundrums are easier to follow. Sisters Ursula and Gudrun Brangwen struggle to balance independence, love, and marriage at the start of the twentieth century, in D. H. Lawrence’s... Read More

Book Review

The Rights of Nature

by Diane Prokop

This compelling, thought-provoking book will be important for all those looking to protect the environment. At first glance, the problems of deforestation, factory farming, coral-reef decimation, and the extinction of animals seem... Read More

Book Review

The Sacred Hub

by Catherine Thureson

This is a book filled with deep and profound meaning. "The Sacred Hub" is an extraordinary collection of essays by author Robert Rabbin. The listening time is just over four hours, but the messages that are shared in that relatively... Read More

Book Review

Finding Christmas

by Pallas Gates McCorquodale

The Little Burrow is all abuzz with holiday cheer as Hare, Squirrel, and Mouse prepare for the morning’s gift exchange, but a frozen swallow all alone in the woods soon unwraps their plans. Festive patterns, textures, and muted tones... Read More

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