Foreword INDIE
2023 Finalist for Science & Technology
2023 Finalist for Photography
Foreword INDIE
Park Place
Book Review
The Pinchers and the Diamond Heist
by Karen Rigby
In Anders Sparring’s humorous chapter book "The Pinchers and the Diamond Heist", the sole redeeming member of a family of bandits is a scrupulous boy who can’t seem to lie. Theo’s parents and sister have a penchant for thievery....
Book Review
Yaguareté White
Moving through the ambiguities of language—English, Spanish, and Paraguay’s Indigenous Guaraní—the grin of a big cat shadowing his every unstealthy step through North and South American habitats and fixed ideas of manhood, Diego...
Book Review
Joy Is the Justice We Give Ourselves
J. Drew Lanham’s "Joy Is the Justice We Give Ourselves" is a stunning amalgamation of literary prose and poetry. Biology connects Lanham’s two worlds of wildlife and Black being. His entries are close studies of the rhythms and...
Book Review
Love Novel
Ivana Sajko’s "Love Novel" plunges into the difficulties that occur after a couple without means gives in to desire. The story is told from the points-of-view of an unnamed man and woman living in an unnamed city and country. The man,...
Trade Show Catalog
Boss Beauty
Trade Show Catalog
Nurse Florence® Coloring Book: What is a Heatstroke?