Foreword INDIE
2006 Finalist for Education
2005 Finalist for Career
Foreword INDIE
Art Law Conversations
Book Review
Making Art a Practice
by Maria Siano
This inspirational book encourages artists to view art as worthy of the effort required to master it. Early chapters of Making Art a Practice: 30 Ways to Paint a Pipe, by Cat Bennett, include essays about the artistic process and how to...
Book Review
Why Be Fundamental
by William Gee
Doctrinal positions advocated by various Christian churches are rarely discussed openly in society unless they are about abortion or homosexuality. In "Why Be Fundamental", Kevin Holland boldly delves beyond the culture war issues to...
Book Review
The Secret Lives of Backyard Bugs
The beautiful, aphid-loving ladybug has a smelly secret: she can ooze a toxic, yellow liquid from her leg joints to dissuade predators; the caterpillar of the Tiger Swallowtail butterfly masquerades itself as bird droppings; and...
Book Review
Everything Men Have Learned About Women
“A man’s face is his autobiography. A woman’s face is her work of fiction” Oscar Wilde once said. In this proud tradition of male puzzlement comes a wonderfully humorous statement by author F.J. Portera. Indeed "Everything Men...
Book Review
Lana's Lakota Moons
Lana’s Lakota Moons is an endearing story of two young girls—cousins by birth, sisters by tradition—as they learn the ancient customs of their Lakota Indian heritage. With their new friend Shoua, a Vietnamese refugee, Lana and Lori...
Book Review
Still the Mind
by Vyvyan Lynn
“All so-called civilized peoples have increasingly become crazy and self-destructive because through excessive thinking they have lost touch with reality. We are so tied up in our minds we have lost our senses.” Watts’ mellow,...