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Book Review

World Without Limit

by Aimee Jodoin

"World Without Limit" is a memoir about achieving maximum satisfaction despite constraints. Alexander Andron’s wise and detailed memoir "World Without Limit" is about overcoming perceived limitations. Andron, diagnosed with early-onset... Read More

Book Review

Kids Get Rich

by Charlene Oldham

Taking an incremental approach to introducing personal finance techniques to children, this book is a useful starter guide to financial stability. Major financial institution veterans Gina and George Plytas’s "Kids Get Rich" focuses on... Read More

Book Review

The Magnificent Mind-Set Man

by Delia Stanley

Self-help, science fiction, and Christian themes weave together among this novel’s breathtaking settings. Russell D. Hamblin’s "The Magnificent Mind-Set Man" explores faith and self-reflection through the lens of an everyman who... Read More

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