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2022 SILVER Winner for Science Fiction

Book Review

Mage of Fools

by Eileen Gonzalez

In Eugen Bacon’s novel "Mage of Fools", an African nation suffers the rule of a grotesque, inscrutable royal advisor. In Mafinga, everyone is equal: so say King Magu and his mystical adviser Atari, who rule from a sprawling palace... Read More

Book Review

Life and Other Complications

by Karen Rigby

In Heather Mullaly’s agonizing novel "Life and Other Complications", a teenager who lied about how she contracted HIV faces her past to reclaim her self-worth. Aly was once a member of the Children Living with Life Threatening... Read More

2020 Finalist for Body, Mind & Spirit

2020 Finalist for Self-Help

2020 GOLD Winner for Autobiography & Memoir

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