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2021 Finalist for Juvenile Fiction

Book Review

Dragonspawn Vengeance

by John M. Murray

The heroes of "Dragonspawn Vengeance" travel through time and space to defeat a dark magician before the end of the world. In Thomas Rottinghaus’s fantasy novel "Dragonspawn Vengeance", a pair of gun-toting warriors race to save their... Read More

Book Review

Independence Blues

by Meg Nola

In W. B. Garvey’s expressive novel "Independence Blues", a boy and his parents travel through southern America in the 196Os, encountering racism and exclusion on repeat. Madeline and Emerson are Jamaican immigrants; their son was born... Read More

Book Review

Why They Stay

by Rachel Jagareski

"Why They Stay" includes entertaining fodder for better understanding what bargains highly successful women make in order to endure in scandal-plagued marriages. Knowing that is hard to understand why so many strong, smart, accomplished... Read More

Book Review

The Dark Side of Memory

by Jeana Jorgensen

"The Dark Side of Memory" is a violent yet elegiac portrayal of the tragic Cold War disappearances of Uruguayan citizens. Tessa Bridal’s historical book "The Dark Side of Memory" traces the intertwined lives of mothers, grandmothers,... Read More

Book Review

Bone Broth

by Michelle Anne Schingler

Lyndsey Ellis’s thoughtful multigenerational novel "Bone Broth" is set during the days of the Ferguson protests. Justine and Wesley moved to the suburbs to escape the traps set for residents of the Pruitt-Igoe projects. But decades... Read More

2020 Finalist for LGBTQ+

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