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2022 Finalist for Humor

2022 Finalist for General

Book Review

The Brooklyn North Murder

by Paula Martinac

In Erica Obey’s clever cozy mystery novel "The Brooklyn North Murder", a librarian teams up with her AI invention to solve a murder in a sleepy college town. Mary Watson is a reference librarian in the rural Hudson Valley, where she... Read More

Book Review


by Eileen Gonzalez

In the attention-grabbing adventure novel "Contrarium", a woman with a powerful artifact travels around the world to protect her family. In Arthur Bozikas’s mystery novel "Contrarium", a woman uncovers the secret behind a powerful and... Read More

Book Review

Bone Necklace

by Karen Rigby

"Bone Necklace" is a captivating historical novel in which men are troubled by their wartime losses. Julia Sullivan’s piercing historical novel "Bone Necklace" revisits the 1877 Nez Perce War through the personal stories of people on... Read More

Book Review

Delphic Oracle, USA

by Karen Rigby

In the delightful multigenerational novel "Delphic Oracle, USA", a town is put on the map by renegades in the 1920s and flourishes for their descendants. Checkered portraits of the residents of a Nebraska town fill Steven Mayfield’s... Read More

Book Review


by Jeana Jorgensen

The whimsical science fiction novel "Paradox" follows a team as they travel through alternate universes in search of a lost friend. Timothy Perper and Martha Cornog’s quirky, time-traveling, reality-hopping science fiction novel... Read More

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