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A Stone for Bread

Rights Contact
Joe Taylor, Editor, Livingston Press, University of West Alabama <jwt@uwa.edu>
Book Awards
honored as a Kirkus Indie Books of the Month selection in March 2016, starred Kirkus Review, and top ten finalist 2014 Faulkner-Wisdom Novel competition

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2011 BRONZE Winner for Women's Issues

2009 Finalist for Education

2010 Finalist for Gay & Lesbian

2008 SILVER Winner for Political Science

Book Review

Dissecting the Bible

by Kristine Morris

Miraculous events form the foundation of Christian faith and teaching, and both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible abound with miracles: the parting of the Red Sea, the ten plagues, and creation itself in the Old Testament, and the... Read More

Book Review

One Man's Journey

by Jeff Friend

A search for deeper spiritual meaning can take many forms. Formal scholastic pursuits, an informal group study of scripture, or a monastic retreat are just a few options. Robert Hart, who converted to Catholicism after a life-changing... Read More

Book Review

Green Gospel

by Leia Menlove

History tells us that humans, as a race, need few excuses for committing violence: they can hate, injure, and kill on the basis of whim alone. Then there are those who are compelled to enforce or defend a cause—and therefore place... Read More

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