"Losing the Atmosphere" is a heartbreaking account of life with a rare psychological disorder, and of the events that broke a budding mind to pieces. Vivian Conan’s compelling memoir "Losing the Atmosphere" concerns dissociative... Read More
Two men bond over sex, violence, and shared emotional and psychological trauma in Orlando Ortega-Medina’s neo noir "The Death of Baseball", about identity, sexuality, and nihilism in 1980s Los Angeles. The novel is a study of... Read More
Within The Seven Malas are an imaginative handful of affairs and one glowing true-love story. John Leslie Lange’s novel The Seven Malas is part midlife makeover, part male fantasy, and part earnest quest. Thirtysomething James Wilder... Read More
Twisted humor provokes, while dense, finely tuned writing dazzles. "Island of Point Nemo" is a serpentine mystery by Jean-Marie Blas de Roblès. The story of a stolen diamond, murder, and an e-reader factory run by a Chinese voyeur takes... Read More