Foreword INDIE
2010 Finalist for Poetry
Book Review
Can Dragons and Frogs Be Friends?
by Karen Rigby
Rounded characters communicating through letters convey strong messages on courage, peace, and gratitude. Trudi Carter’s debut, "Can Dragons and Frogs Be Friends?", is an epistolary fantasy about reconciliation. Recounted through...
Book Review
Mutual Fund Small Caps
The author’s own trial-and-error experience guides his advice to intermediate-level investors. In the face of uncertain market conditions for investors, James Gale has chosen an apt time to publish Mutual Fund Small Caps: The Better...
Book Review
With characters who are “as grumpy as a baby cutting teeth” and who openly admit, “I hate that parakeet,” Jose Maria Rodriguez’s slim collection of six short stories makes for a quick, charming read for those who enjoy...
Book Review
You Can't Take My Vision!
When Nikki Fontenot learned that her daughter Maci had a serious illness, she didn’t fall to pieces. Instead, she took a cue from her outgoing preschooler and met the challenge head-on. By writing about their experiences in You Can’t...
Book Review
Revelation Now
According to William J. Luke there are four impediments to gaining a thorough and complete understanding of the book of Revelation. The first is the book’s symbolism followed by its transcription composition and finally improper...
Book Review
Pale Bird Spouting Fire
Yuzna’s poems create quirky cultural connections and historical meanderings that will please readers with their literary depth. Her poems are peppered with references to the famous voices of civilization. The Saints—Jerome, Francis,...
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