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Book Review

The Rise of the Legends

by Paula Willey

"The Rise of the Legends" is a horizon-expanding ensemble adventure novel that’s filled with STEM-related action and inquiries. In Jake Zortman’s riddle-filled quest novel "The Rise of the Legends", a new student makes a fresh group... Read More

Book Review

The Limits of My World

by Mari Carlson

A common goal is sought between two contentious groups in the philosophical science fiction novel "The Limits of My World". In Gregory Coles’s future-set science fiction novel "The Limits of My World", a war between aliens and humans... Read More

Book Review


by Karen Rigby

"Sheli" is a lesson-filled Christian picture book in which a sheep learns to place the good of others before herself. Deanna Danielle’s earnest Christian picture book "Sheli" considers God’s concern for people through the familiar... Read More

Book Review

Adelaide on Broadway

by Danielle Ballantyne

Adelaide has always dreamed of seeing her name in lights. There’s just one small problem: she gets stage fright! With the help of her friends—and some science-backed stress-relief techniques—Adelaide is able to overcome her nerves... Read More

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