In a remote Italian town, an unassuming cobbler is drawn into helping partisans fight against fascists and Nazis in Sacha Naspini’s novel "The Bishop’s Villa". Despite missing several fingers, René is the cobbler of Le Case. He’s... Read More
"The Courage of Birds" is Pete Dunne’s enthusiastic, informative book about avian survival strategies. Loosely organized into three sections, the book summarizes Dunne’s observations of avian behaviors across decades of bird watching... Read More
An affecting bildungsroman, "The Summer Between" is about personal discovery in a period of historical tumult. In Robert Raasch’s novel "The Summer Between", a college-bound man navigates his gay identity amid the upheavals of the... Read More
In Minrose Gwin’s rich coming-of-age novel "Beautiful Dreamers", a precocious girl navigates the tense atmospheres of 1950s Mississippi. After her father abandons her family, Mem and her mother, Virginia, return to the small Gulf Coast... Read More
Métis storyteller Chris La Tray’s expansive memoir "Becoming Little Shell" began as a compassionate inquiry into his father’s rejection of the family’s Native American heritage. Haunted by questions of identity after his... Read More
Tim Newby’s biography of forgotten baseball great Pete Browning, whose Louisville Slugger nickname inspired the bat brand, recounts his athletic feats and troubled life. The repeat batting champion was one of the greatest hitters... Read More
A mix of memoir with literary criticism, Lawrence Wells’s "Ghostwriter" dives into the Shakespeare authorship debate from the perspective of a skeptic working alongside a staunch believer. Wells was approached to ghostwrite a book for... Read More
Intergenerational family secrets reemerge in Defne Suman’s devastating novel "Summer Heat". Melike is a Turkish art historian who agrees to guide Petro, a documentarian, through Byzantine churches. But intimacy with Petro challenges... Read More