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17 results for published: 2013-11-12

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Book Review

Just Jane

by Jeannine Chartier Hanscom

A strong and independent woman in the Wild West inspires and entertains while supernatural forces stalk the frontier. P. T. Koi crafts a quirky tale with a perky heroine in Just Jane: Wicked Wild West. In an entertaining mishmash of... Read More

Book Review

Viscoelastic Duende of Life

by Anna Call

"Viscoelastic Duende of Life" is an impressively thoughtful alternative to the cut-and-dried theory of natural selection. Viscoelastic Duende of Life: Evolution of Chaos in Living Matter. presents new theories, founded in biochemistry,... Read More

Book Review


by Anna Call

Fresh, sharp, and funny, Costanzo comes in from the cold to reveal a CIA far more interesting than any Hollywood fiction. "My CIA" is an unexpectedly fresh and interesting take on a system obscured as much by Hollywood representations as... Read More

Book Review

Double Negative

by Karl Helicher

This thought-provoking novel about race incites discussion through spirited, well-crafted dialogue. A double negative, according to Teju Cole, the South African novelist who wrote the introduction to this engaging but at times... Read More

Book Review

The Beauty of Ordinary Things

by Sara Budzik

The vivid realities of war, the challenges of love denied, and the graceful inner turmoil of a young novice in a cloister weave together in a beautiful étude of humanity. Harriet Scott Chessman succeeds in writing a song of the soul in... Read More

Book Review

Lion and Leopard

by Sara Budzik

Popkin brings alive the individuals who engineered a culture for the new world. Any history of visual art in America should include a review of Nathaniel Popkin’s "Lion and Leopard", a fictionalized account of early-American painters... Read More

Book Review

The Hidden Lamp

by Barbara Bamberger Scott

Lovingly structured collection of Zen stories featuring women seeks to bring gender equity to enlightened thinking. The traditional belief in mainstream Buddhism is that “it is not possible to be enlightened in a woman’s body.”... Read More

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