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20 results for published: 2018-11-13

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Book Review

Sleeping in My Jeans

by Catherine Thureson

Connie King Leonard’s emotional and intense "Sleeping in My Jeans" is led by Mattie, a determined sixteen-year-old who wants to go to college and get a good job so that she can help her six-year-old sister, Meg, do the same. Her plans... Read More

Book Review

The Fat Kitchen

by Melissa Wuske

"The Fat Kitchen" will give industrious home cooks a new appreciation for fat. The low-fat trend is a thing of the past, and this book revives appreciation for the once-villainized nutrient that’s much more balanced, healthy, and... Read More

Book Review

Space Heart

by Aimee Jodoin

Poetically composed vignettes form Linda Buckmaster’s brilliant memoir "Space Heart", which explores how cutting-edge technology and family life juxtapose in American culture. Buckmaster eloquently processes the difficulties she’s... Read More

Book Review

A Light of Her Own

by Hannah Hohman

"A Light of Her Own" is a beautifully crafted story set in seventeenth-century Holland, in which two women navigate the law, destiny, and their unstoppable ambition. Painting is Judith Leyster’s passion and calling, and she will not be... Read More

Book Review

We Can Save Us All

by Katie Asher

Adam Nemett’s "We Can Save Us All" is a humorous yet sobering pre-apocalyptic scenario. Realistic and smart, this is science fiction at its best. The world seems to be ending, but David, with a group of intelligent, driven Princeton... Read More

Book Review

Mephisto's Waltz

by Meg Nola

Mephisto’s Waltz, a collection of short fiction by the late Mexican author Sergio Pitol, creates a world of eloquent transience, shifting from Mexico to Asia then into Warsaw, Ibiza, Bukhara, Vienna, Venice, and Rome. Pitol’s mastery... Read More

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