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2006 Finalist for General

Book Review

Play on Words

by Constance Augusta A. Zaber

This ambitious book full of politics, humor, and linguistics will fit nicely between copies of Walden and Catch-22. In Play on Words: A Grand Satire of Commercialization, Mike Harrison twists together a blueprint for a libertarian... Read More

Book Review

One Precious Pearl

by Diane Taylor

A book-length exposition on just two verses of the New Testament, "One Precious Pearl" offers the reader an indepth analysis of Jesus’ parable of the merchant seeking goodly pearls. Turning to Matthew 13, where seven parables of Jesus... Read More

Book Review

From Outhouse to Outer Space

"From Outhouse to Outer Space" by Ed D. Jones relates the story of the author’s life, from poverty during the Depression, to his work on the lunar landing module. After Ed’s father died in an accident when he was only a child, his... Read More

Book Review

Behind Good and Evil

“As fish do not know they are in water we cannot recognize the conditions in which we live” the author writes. “We think it is reasonable to return violence for violence.” We live our lives every day immersed in morality and... Read More

Book Review

Follow Me to Glory

Theirs not to make reply / Theirs not to reason why / Theirs but to do & die —Alfred Lord Tennyson The Charge of the Light Brigade (1854) Ian Carlyle a second son of minor Scots nobility sets foot on the shore of Crimea equipped... Read More

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