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23 results for publisher: notable kid publish

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2021 SILVER Winner for Picture Books, Early Reader

Book Review

Now What?

by Camille-Yvette Welsch

"Now What?" is a charming picture book whose creative, quirky heroines make the best of a dreary day. In Brenda Faatz’s picture book "Now What?", an ordinary day morphs into an opportunity for play, creativity, and mindfulness.... Read More

Book Review

Ella McBella in the Dark

by Kristine Morris

"Ella McBella in the Dark" is a sensitive picture book that encourages the use of one’s inner resources to confront, and conquer, fear. In Laura Pells’s enchanting picture book "Ella McBella in the Dark", a girl conquers her fears... Read More

2020 Finalist for Juvenile Fiction

Book Review

And a Book

by George Hajjar

The book-within-a-book picture book "And a Book" opens the door to a magical world. Michael Molinet’s informative and engaging picture book "And a Book" explores children’s literature through dueling illustrations. The book is... Read More

2019 Finalist for Picture Books, Early Reader

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