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594 results for #politicalscience

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Book Review

American Apocalypse

by Kristen Rabe

Powerful and informative, Rena Steinzor’s "American Apocalypse" examines the history, motives, and momentum of six powerful groups aligned with the far right: corporations, the Tea Party, the Federalist Society, Fox News, white... Read More

Book Review

South Korea

by Isaac Randel

The political science text "South Korea" makes a moral case for “consciousness raising” and cultural transformation that has clear relevance to other industrialized nations. John Gonzalez and Young Lee’s cautious political science... Read More

Book Review

The Wannabe Fascists

by Camille Tinnin

Federico Finchelstein’s contemporary political science book "The Wannabe Fascists" explores movements that combine components of historical fascism with right-wing populism, resulting in a new type of dangerous leader. Decentering... Read More

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