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84 results for ( issue-id: 403 ) ( type: review )

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Book Review

Heading out to Wonderful

by Karen Mulvahill

“Childhood is the most dangerous place of all. If we had to live there forever, we wouldn’t live very long,” observes the narrator of Heading Out to Wonderful, a lyrical meditation on longing, childhood, and the loss of innocence.... Read More

Book Review

Never Back Down

by Andi Diehn

There are men who learn at a very young age to travel the safest path—do what your parents wish for you, never try to be better than you think you are. Jack Landry isn’t that kind of man. Instead, he reaches far and high for the... Read More

Book Review

No Animals We Could Name

by Devon Shepherd

In his fascinating debut short story collection, Ted Sanders demonstrates remarkable range. The stories collected here run the gamut from domesticated realism (“Putting the Lizard to Sleep” and “Opinion of Person”) to haunting... Read More

Book Review

Dead Woman Hollow

by Patricia Morrow

The book begins secretively, mysteriously, in the mountains of Pennsylvania. And like the lives of the characters it is about to describe, the opening scene is devoid of frills. No melodic dialogue, no gentle segues, just a bleak and... Read More

Book Review

A Perfect Fit

by Geraldine Richards

The thirteen essays in "A Perfect Fit" emphasize the connection between the culture and values of Jewish immigrants and their descendents and the growth of the garment industry in the US. This volume is an extension of the exhibition of... Read More

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