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155 results for ( issue-id: 467317 ) ( type: review )

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Book Review

Off to the Beach!

by Pallas Gates McCorquodale

Golden, glistening, gritty grains of sand shimmer and shine in Cocoretto’s "Off to the Beach!" A tactile delight with terry towels and slick sunglasses, the textured pages, complete with embossed braille symbols, use simple words and... Read More

Book Review

Color Blocked

by Pallas Gates McCorquodale

Oops! The color factory has malfunctioned, and turtle needs help as he rushes about attempting to put a riotous rainbow explosion back to rights, in Ashley Sorenson’s visually delectable "Color Blocked". Clean black and white lines of... Read More

Book Review

A Place to Read

by Pallas Gates McCorquodale

With an oversized book clutched to his chest, one small reader visits a variety of exotic locales from sunny safari to frozen north and outer space in "A Place to Read", by Leigh Hodgkison. Simple, rhythmic verses accompanied by boldly... Read More

Book Review

The Stuff of Family Life

by Catherine Reed-Thureson

"The Stuff of Family Life", by Michelle Janning, is a fascinating sociological exploration of what material goods say about people and society. Examining both spaces and objects, the book looks at different life stages and the living... Read More

Book Review

Letter to a Young Farmer

by Anna Call

This engaging, conversational book dispenses life advice for farmers and others who seek to live close to the earth. *Letter to a Young Farmer *is an accumulation of wisdom with a large dollop of humor and a conversational tone that will... Read More

Book Review

Just Cool It!

by Anna Call

As climate change gains ground in the consciousness of the public, the audience for books like *Just Cool It! *grows. The public is increasingly aware of climate change, but not necessarily clear about it, and lacking context, can’t... Read More

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