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118 results for ( issue-id: 865945 ) ( type: review )

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Book Review

Sommelier of Deformity

by Kristen Rabe

Intensely dark and sardonic, "Sommelier of Deformity" is also, paradoxically, an uplifting and redemptive story. Buddy Hayes, a self-described troll who spends most of his time alone, is both arrogant and self-deprecating. He limits his... Read More

Book Review

The Fifth Woman

by Laura Leavitt

The mundane becomes poetic in Nona Caspers’s novel-in-vignettes, "The Fifth Woman". Its atmosphere of grief is established with tight, beautiful prose. An unnamed narrator who’s lost her partner must grapple with her grief while also... Read More

Book Review

The Last Mosaic

by Camille-Yvette Welsch

“A fragment defies the mind’s impulse to make things whole. Defies it, and entices it,” and from just such fragments, Elizabeth Cooperman and Thomas Walton cobble together a hybrid work—parts travel journal, memoir, lyric essay,... Read More

Book Review

The Acadia Files

by Catherine Thureson

"The Acadia Files" introduces kids to science via the readily observable principles and easy-to-reproduce experiments of its precocious and endlessly curious lead character, Acadia, who’s enjoying the summer before she enters fifth... Read More

Book Review

Perfect Petunias

by Pallas Gates McCorquodale

Perfectionists, worrywarts, and sticklers everywhere will sympathize with Loppy as he tries his best but then despairs when things don’t turn out just so. Luckily, a friend is there with some valuable advice about failure, success, and... Read More

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