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2008 Finalist for Biography

2007 Finalist for Autobiography & Memoir

2005 Finalist for Body, Mind & Spirit

2009 BRONZE Winner for Autobiography & Memoir

Book Review

Island Home

by Anna Call

"Island Home" is a lyrical and artistic look into the human relationship to landscape, especially in Australia. Part memoir, part ode, it combines a strong sense of place with a reflection on the personal impact of land, and of what... Read More

Book Review

The Time Box

by Stephanie Bucklin

Twelve-year-old Thomas Adkins Johnson finds his world changed forever when he goes on a sixth grade field trip to a local planetarium. Expanding and contracting, the field trip marks his transition into a new adulthood full of issues... Read More

Book Review

Our Portion

by Matt Sutherland

Intensely cerebral, alive to every facet of his life’s pleasures, convictions, and ironies, Philip Terman has authored eight collections of poetry and chapbooks, and earned the Anna Davidson Rosenberg Award, the Sow’s Ear Prize, and... Read More

Book Review

The Jewish Dog

by Jeff Fleischer

Kravitz’s canine narrator describes the events around him without understanding their full impact, offering a new perspective on the Holocaust. With "The Jewish Dog", Asher Kravitz succeeds in the difficult task of finding a new... Read More

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